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- From: bateau@ozemail.com.au
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.research,alt.alien.visitors,alt.conspiracy.area51,alt.paranet.abduct,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.ufo.reports,alt.alien,alt.bermuda.triangle,talk.religion.misc,talk.religion.newage
- Subject: Re: UFOS in the Bible.
- Date: Sat, 22 Jun 1996 07:06:35 GMT
- Organization: OzEmail Pty Ltd - Australia
- Lines: 98
- Message-ID: <4qg9jm$pnt@reader1.reader.news.ozemail.net>
- References: <4k7po3$nm7@news2.qtm.net> <4kpoe3$qv5@ecuador.it.earthlink.net> <317C3B00.3302@mail.sgi.net> <4ll90c$cck@news1.netzone.com> <4ma9gu$8tb@info.abdn.ac.uk> <318A9B58.5426@Earth.edu> <4mgfk6$5g1@utdallas.edu> <4mpsn3$rai@news.phys.msu.su> <31927621.15B@ix.netcom.com> <4np9e8$sk6@news.phys.msu.su> <4ogl3d$32h@grissom.powerup.com.au> <Pine.A32.3.92a.960603161022.131424A-100000@homer29.u.washington.edu> <4pngo9$frh@server.cpr.it> <31c8400a.0@news.lonet.ca> <4qdic5$din@reader1.reader.news.ozemail.net> <maury-2106961112560001@news.iol.ie>
- NNTP-Posting-Host:
- X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82
- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.alien.research:26452 alt.alien.visitors:88944 alt.conspiracy.area51:11423 alt.paranet.abduct:5951 alt.paranet.ufo:54130 alt.ufo.reports:9636 talk.religion.misc:78843 talk.religion.newage:18089
- maury@softarc.com (Maury Markowitz) wrote:
- >In article <4qdic5$din@reader1.reader.news.ozemail.net>,
- >bateau@ozemail.com.au wrote:
- >> I agree with Cyberstorm wholeheartedy. If surprises me that right in
- >> the midst of all that is happening on the planet at the moment, that
- >> there could exist people who don't even believe in aliens far less
- >> involve themselves with studying the connection between aliens and the
- >> Bible, Occultism and Science.
- > I guess you're focussing on the issue far too much to see outside our
- >western affluent mindset then. The vast majority of the people on this
- >planet are far too busy to trying to make it alive into the next day to
- >give a damb about esoteric issues like this. Are you really surprised
- >that someone living in a gutter in China could care less about this and
- >has never even thought about it? What about the person down the road that
- >fixes your car?
- I can only assume that you have never had a close encounter with a UFO
- or Aliens. If you had, you would not be so quick to dismiss this as an
- 'esoteric' issue. Once you have you spent time counselling abduction
- victims and seeing what goes on behind the curtains, then maybe you
- will see what I mean when I say 'it surprises me'.
- >> The fact is that if you really want proof of the existence of
- >> extra-terrestrials you will get it. Make no mistake.
- > Sure.
- >> What we perceive to be our reality depends largely on what we
- >> think....
- > Sure.
- >> and they would get no closer to learning the real truth. To find the
- >> "truth", we need to look at how the universe works at a quantum level
- >> - no 'way ot' theories her, just basic stuff....
- > And as someone who has actually studied quantum physics, I'd love to
- >hear your theory on why this has any bearing on bible studies or whether
- >or not aliens exist. I suppose this reflects on the first portion above.
- A native in the jungle believes that he will die (for example) if
- someone points a bone at him, and if they do, he WILL. Such is the
- power of belief....
- For those who really believe (because it has simply happened to them),
- the fact of UFO's and such is REAL. For those who don't then it won't
- be, until it IS. It's a little like "not believing" in the Great
- Pyramids because you have never personally seen them, while all around
- you people are willing to testify that they do exist.
- Study of the Bible reveals that the people in those days simply
- described experiences based on their interpretation of how high
- technology appeared to them.
- >> The effects of the "observer" on the "observed" is a recognized fact
- >> in science and has been for quite some time. When you focus your
- >> attention on something, it grows - simple as that.
- >Uhhh, no.
- Uhhh, yeah... Uncertainties, errors and deviations accumulate with
- observation or are you saying that Werner Heisenberg was wrong ?
- What do you think happens in the Quantum realm anyway ?
- I cannot think of anything that will not grow when attention or focus
- is applied to it - can you?
- >> If even ONE of the thousands (more ?) of alien reports, abductions,
- >> mutilations, landings, contacts and government dealings is true, then
- >> then aliens are real.
- > What if none of them are? The entire world thought the planet was flat,
- >much of the north eastern seaboard of the US became convinced that
- >Tomatoes were poisonous and other such issues as well.
- If I had never had proof, I would say the same thing,
- > You say you're convinced, good for you. That's meaningless as your
- >misunderstandings of quantum physics notes above.
- >Maury
- Would you care to put your theories together and please enlighten all
- of us as to exactly how the Quantum Realm functions ? (and, how we
- have no interaction with it!).
- If you don't believe in aliens, then why are you here - attacking
- those who do ? How about showing some compassion and trying to help us
- understand what is happening here ( or are you too 'scientific' for
- that?)
- Regards, Michael